The Friday Bulletin February 11, 2022

Timely nuggets of information and ideas we want to share with you.

I have a new favorite crime series!  It is in French, so if you don’t speak French and hate subtitles, move along to my next item.  Paris Murders is in its fourth season, which thrills me because I have so many left to watch!  The main character is a quirky young woman who is called a police profiler in reviews, but I think of her as either a forensic psychologist or a criminologist.  She works with Detective Rocher in the Paris homicide division to solve the most difficult cases. It has enough suspense but not too much, and Chloe Saint-Laurent, the main character is amusingly fey. It is a PBS Masterpiece available on Amazon.  It appears this is a separate membership than Amazon Prime.


Check out Thingtesting, a website that spots new ‘things’ coming on the market and allows site users to test them out and write reviews.  It is fun to browse all the new brands and easy to register as a tester if you either already know a brand or find something you’d like to test.


OneZoom is an interactive tree of life that shows how 2.2 million living species on earth are related.  You zoom in and out, each leaf represents a different species, and the branches show how the species evolved from common ancestors.


When my mother, the grammar cop, is not available, I turn to Grammarly, an excellent writing assistant.  It is AI-powered and is free.  You can download it or add it to your favorite search engine.  It will help you avoid mistakes in your emails, your Word docs, and your social media sites.  It also learns your style and tone and helps keep your messages on track.  Give it a try.

Here is what else we wrote about this week;

Revealing the People Who Make the Music


More Jigsaw Puzzles

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