Like many of us, Rob, my husband, and I have been at home since Mid-March. The first couple of weeks it felt like I had taken early retirement. I was scheduled to teach my first, week-long watercolor class at the Folk School, March 29–April 4, 2020. It didn’t happen. My class was just one of many that had to be canceled. I had planned on sharing the painting steps of “Made For The Sun,” with my class. Instead, I’d like to share them with you in the video slideshow below.
My biggest awareness during “stay at home,” was how rushed I had been. It was a relief to slow down. I thought of all the things I wanted to do, but never had enough time to do. Some of them, I’ve done. Others, I haven’t (like cleaning out the hall closet).
Within a few days, a routine began to form. Here’s a list of activities that have been beneficial since I’ve been home.
- Daily Journaling to keep the days straight and have a record of what I did.
- Daily Walks to stay active and renewed.
- Limited Social Media to avoid being filled with anxiety.
- Jigsaw Puzzles for mentally-challenging fun.
- Tending Flowers, previously neglected, for joy.
- Afternoon Naps in the sun for Vitamin D and relaxation.
- Planning The Next Painting to keep being creative.
- Painting The Next Painting to keep feeling vital.
- Clearing Out Clutter to always have something to aspire to.
- Playing With Rosie (4 year old Havanese) to keep me young.
- Laughing With Rob (70 year old Husband) to stay in love.
- Being Kind To Myself when I don’t do any of the above, because I’m only human.
I don’t know what our situation will be in the future. What I do know, is to do my best to be thankful, have faith and keep on, keeping on.
In the face of uncertainty, there is nothing wrong with hope. -O. Carl Simonton

About June Rollins
June is a signature member of the Southern Watercolor Society. She works from photo references and also intuitively, without pre-planned sketches, and she emphasizes the importance of color theory and good composition in her classes. June is the originator of the Alcohol Ink Dreamscaping process and author of Alcohol Ink Dreamscaping Quick Reference Guide, along with five instructional DVDs.
The post What’s An Artist To Do? appeared first on John C. Campbell Folk School Blog.