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How to Throw a Mother Daughter Tea Party

The month of May is the time to celebrate our mothers. A perfect way to honor your motherly figure is by hosting a mother daughter tea party. Create an intimate setting for just the two of you, or spin off these ideas for a larger gathering of friends who are moms and daughters, too. Mother Daughter Tea Party Decor Select some of your shared favorite colors. I always think of purple for my mom because her birthstone is amethyst. I love to mix purple with blues and natural colors like white, beige, and foliage greens. This is a great time to use vintage family pieces if you have them, such as silverware, tea cups and saucers, vases, or linens. My...

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Get Down (and Across!) With the Best Crossword Puzzle Books

We know there’s a puzzle craze right now, and for good reason. People are turning to activities to do at home that pass time, occupy minds, and soothe harried souls. Crossword puzzles can do all that and more. What makes crossword puzzles so amazing is their structure: a meeting of minds across time and space. The constructor has set a challenge for you, hoping you will best them. And you can. Like any skill, crosswords have a learning curve. With a little practice, the filling in of the final square is as satisfying as snapping the last piece into a jigsaw puzzle. Crossword puzzle books are a perfect way to get into cruciverbalism. We all need activities that get us...

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SPOTLIGHT ON: The challenges of creating the modern spa

Hotel Designs SPOTLIGHT ON: The challenges of creating the modern spa SPOTLIGHT ON: The challenges of creating the modern spa Spas are often considered an essential part of a hotel offering. To kickstart Hotel Designs putting ‘spas’ under the editorial spotlight this month, Beverley Bayes, Creative Director at Sparcstudio explains how to create a modern spa in 2020 and how to avoid the common pitfalls of design and build… Spas are synonymous with luxury and over the past decade have become an essential ingredient for many investors who are planning major hotel developments and refurbishments. As we enter a period that looks beyond the post-COVID-19 lockdown, the desire for spas to provide space and light with the ability to relax...

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32 Activities Mothers & Daughters Can Do Together

Between school, work and keeping the family afloat, sometimes it’s tough for mother-daughter activities to come front and center. In order to help you keep that bond strong, we looked around and found 32 of the very best ideas. Whether your daughter is five or 15, keep reading to discover mother-daughter activities you’ve got to try at least once. ***If you can’t do some of these activities right now, make a bucket list for when it’s okay to do so!  ADVERTISEMENT photo: The 5TH via Unsplash 1. Play a game of basketball. Even if you aren't the next Steph Curry, you can still shoot hoops with your daughter. Plus, it's a great workout!  2. Have a spa day. Every mom...

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22 Hobbies For People Who Really Love to Be Alone

Introvert problems are a real thing, and while it's not that we dislike people, we just prefer (and need) our alone time. While we're totally happy to spend time with our friends, it's the things we do by ourselves that we really love. There are so many ways to benefit from solo hobbies, so we've rounded up some good ideas for single-person fun. Take up photography. Photography allows you to see the world from a different perspective, and it can be a form of expression that you can hone at a distance. These days, you don't even have to drop a ton of money on an expensive camera; you can develop great photography skills with just your smart phone. Listen...

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