But what if you could commit to spending 10 minutes a day – no more – to getting organized? Would it be worth losing a few minutes of your time to make a difference? We invite you to try this experiment: take ten minutes a day for the next 10 days to create an organized home and see what a difference it makes for you. Start with any 10-minute project on the list and keep going. Of course, we’ll want to hear back from you to know how it worked!
Organize the Kitchen Table
One of the best ways to organize your home is to tackle the dining room table. Gather everything off the table that should go in the trash and dump it (so much junk mail). Put away anything that has a spot; if the table has become the permanent storage spot for anything, put it in a “find a home for me bin.” Once you can see the surface of the table, give it a good wipe down.
Organize the Junk Drawer
First, pull out anything that belongs somewhere else and put it back. Next, determine how many pens, markers, rubber bands, and takeout menus (or whatever is in your junk drawer) that you really need – and toss the rest. Organize what’s left with some small containers or a silverware organizer.
Organize Your Closet – Round 1
We know you can’t organize your whole closet in 10 minutes, but you can take 10 minutes to look through the closet and pull out any clothing that you haven’t worn in over a year, any clothing that doesn’t fit, and any clothing you have but don’t wear because you hate it. Bag it or bin it and label it for donation.
Organize Your Closet – Round 2
Repeat the steps above, only this time, focus on your shoes. We know you love the 4-inch stiletto boots with no traction that nearly broke your ankle last time, but let’s be honest about whether or not you’re really planning to suffer through that again and drop them in your donation bin.
Do the Dishes
It’s amazing how much more organized the whole home feels when there’s not a pile of dishes in the sink. Load and start the dishwasher, wipe down the counters, and rinse & wipe out the sink.
Walk through the house and grab everything from every surface that doesn’t belong. Carry a basket, bag, or bin with you and put everything in it. Don’t worry about putting anything away right now – just gather from every room and surface.
Clean out the Fridge
While it’s not visible to the world, a cluttered fridge can be stressful. Go through all of the bottles and containers and toss out anything that’s out of code. Organize the shelves and do a quick wipe down.
Organize the Bathroom Sink
A more organized bathroom starts with a more organized sink counter. Start with a trash can and allow yourself to get rid of any products you’re not using as well as ones that have gone past the date you should be using them. Remove anything from the bathroom counter that doesn’t need to be there. Wipe down the sink counter.
Make the Beds
It seems like such a small thing, but making the bed is one of the easiest things you can do to make the bedroom look more organized, less cluttered, and cleaner.
Fold Laundry
So this might end up being a ten-minute task you do every day, but if you spend just 10 minutes folding and putting away laundry, it really does make a difference.
You can organize your home in 10 minutes a day – or at least get the process started. If you need more help or still feel overwhelmed, please give us a call. We’d love to help.
The post Organize Your Home in 10 Minutes appeared first on Organizing Maniacs.
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