1. DIY coffee station
Perhaps you’re actually looking for a way to improve the look and organization of your counters all at once and the first thing you’d like to tackle is your coffee machine’s area? Well, being huge coffee lovers ourselves, we can certainly understand that! That’s why we thought this adorable, nicely laid out coffee station featured on Design Improvised was such a good idea. Adding a bit of a decorative element to the way it all looks, in addition to streamlining the making process, motivates us to actually keep that spot organized and clean.
2. DIY oil and vinegar shelf
Maybe you’re the kind of avid cook who is always seasoning things and you’re interested in making it easier for yourself when you reach for the most popular ingredients, like olive oil, balsamic vinegar, or salt and pepper? In that case, we’d absolutely suggest taking a look at how Over The Big Moon built a simple wooden frame around and across the top of their stove’s back to make an additional little platform. It looks nice and rustic and actually gets things up off the counters!
3. DIY two-tiered wooden produce kitchen stand
Well, we know this particular practical and decorative project doesn’t actually sit on your counter, but it can sure help you clear it off a little! We’re kind of obsessed with the way Kendall-Jackson upcycled old wooden crates in order to make this very farmhouse inspired produce stand that adds to the kitchen’s aestehtic but also makes the fruit and veggies your family eats every day nice and accessible but still organized.
4. Wooden EAT boards
Would you rather make something purely decorative and nice to look at but you don’t actually have much spare counter space to work with at all? Then perhaps you can find a spare patch of wall instead! We’re huge fans of how Homedit decided to turn cut squares of reclaimed wood into some word decor that perfectly suits what goes on in a kitchen.
5. Industrial inspired wood and pipe coffee station
Just in case you’re still thinking about how much you loved the idea of making yourself a pretty, organized coffee station but you’d like something a little more explicitly themed than the simple tray concept you saw before, here’s another idea that’s particularly perfect if you’re aiming for a rustic but industrial aesthetic. Take a better look at the tutorial on Funky Junk Interiors to see how this wood and pipe raised coffee supplies stand was made!
6. Upcycled frame and wreath
Maybe you’re strapped for time or new to the whole home crafting game but you’re still feeling quite intent on making your kitchen something cute and simply pleasant to look at? In that case, we’d absolutely suggest taking a look at how Making Joy and Pretty Things made over an old photo frame and hung a miniature green wreath from a ribbon in the empty centred instead of a picture. It’s a simple way to add some low maintenance greenery to the room!
7. Five minute farmhouse footed tray
Did we really catch your attention when we started talking about decorative ways to organize the simple cooking things you used all the time and therefore keep by your stove, but you don’t think you’re up for the undertaking of building a wooden frame all the way around it like we showed you before? In that case, we have a feeling you’ll get along a little better with this project from Salvaged Living that suggest adding wooden bed knobs to the bottom of a metal tray to make a farmhouse chic countertop holder for things like salt and pepper or olive oil.
8. Farmhouse storage canisters
Just in case you’re totally into this decorative countertop organizer concept but you’re just not sure that any of the ideas you’ve seen so far are quite the style you’re looking for, here’s a more French vintage inspired design that might appeal to you a little more! The tutorial you’ll find on Houseful of Handmade shows you step by step how to transform plain glass jars into these lovely kitchen utensil holders.
9. Vintage finished three tiered tray
Did you love the idea of making yourself some kind of fruit stand but you simply don’t have the room (or maybe the family size and appetite) to justify making a whole wooden market stall like we showed you before? Then we have a feeling you might get along a little better with something like this three tiered DIY fruit stand from Liz Marie (that you can actually put just about anything on, depending on the day).
10. Reclaimed metal kitchen scale for fruit
Just in case you’re still thinking about the whole concept of upcycled vintage things and how you’d really like to make that theme more explicit and taking it to the next step, here’s a fantastically unique idea for those who can get their hands on a vintage weight scale! Blesser House shows you in just a few easy steps how they turned theirs into a lovely fruit bowl.
11. How to stain your own wooden kitchen countertops
Are you actually convinced that the absolute best way for you to take your kitchen decor to the next level is to just overhaul the countertops themselves, but you’ve never done that before so you’re looking for some instruction? Well, if staining the wood so it looks smooth and natural appeals to you at all, then we’d definitely suggest taking a look at how This Old House outlined their own whole process of doing precisely that in great detail!
12. Reclaimed metal kitchen soap holder
Were you quite a big fan of the idea of making a little metal tub into some pretty countertop storage because that kind of finish has always reminded you of the farmhouse your grandparents lived on when you were a kid, but you simply don’t have any cooking supplies that need storing? Then we think you might get along a little better with this lovely miniature galvanized metal bucket idea from Ribbons and Glue instead!
13. Chalkboard message board from a cutting board
Storage isn’t the only kind of productive and decorative thing you can make for your kitchen! We’re also in love with the way The Cozy Old Farmhouse turned an old cutting board into a messages, reminders, and notes board that looks right at home leaning where it can be reached easily on the kitchen countertop because they made it using an old cutting board as the base.
14. DIY personalized kitchen storage
If you’re going to organize yourself a coffee and hot drinks station like you saw before, would you rather make sure the coffee and ingredients themselves are just as neat and well displayed as the mugs and spoons? In that case, we think you simply must take a look at the way The Lovely Drawer personalized some little glass jars with wooden lids and filled those up with coffee, tea, and sugar, rather than just stuffing their packaged things from the store into cupboards where they have to be dug out, or letting the boxes scatter across the countertop.
15. Gold painted silverware mason jars
Perhaps you really loved the mason jar utensils storage concept and now you’d like to make smaller versions from littler jars for your cutlery too but you’re just not sure the vintage French aesthetic we showed you earlier is quite what you need? Well, if you’d prefer something a little more glam, then we’d be willing to bet that you might like this lovely metallic gold painted idea from Clever Pink Pirate a little more!
Have you made other kinds of awesome homemade kitchen counter decor before that you were very happy with indeed but that you don’t see here on our list? Tell us all about what you created and how you did it or link us to photos of your finished work in the comments section!
The post DIY Kitchen Counter Decor appeared first on DIYs.com.
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