Is your emergency survival kit ready at any moment you need it? Make sure you pack everything you’ll need. Here’s a quick guide to help!
Emergency Survival Kit | Not Leaving Anything Behind
Emergencies can strike at any time and can ravage entire regions and economies. No matter where you live in America, natural disasters can strike, sometimes with little or no warning.
The devastation left behind an earthquake, hurricane, tornado, flash flood, blizzard, or wildfire can result in communities being stranded for weeks before help arrives from government agencies.
Natural disaster preparedness is a major concern for most people, although others do worry about economic collapse or societal breakdown. The current coronavirus pandemic has also opened people’s eyes to other types of unusual situations to prepare for.
You can never be too prepared when it comes to the safety and comfort of your family. Investing in your Emergency Survival Kit should be a priority.
Your first goal should be to gather enough supplies to sustain your family without outside help for 72 hours. Your next goal should be self-sufficiency for 2 weeks. This is often how long it will take for help to reach you after a major disaster.
Your 72-Hour Kit
To get you and your family through 72 hours without leaving your home while having no access to electricity or running water, you will need:
Water: 1 gallon per person/pet, per day Food: Dehydrated and canned foods that do not require any cooking, Pet Food Radio: Powered by solar, hand-crank, or batteries (don’t forget the batteries) Flashlight/Lanterns/Headlamps First Aid Kit: Comprehensive, with a variety of bandage sizes and any prescription or OTC medications Whistle: To call for help Toilet-in-a-box or supplies to create your own: Buckets, garbage bags, twist ties, wet wipes Tarp: For emergency sheltering or patching holes Wrench, Hammer, Axe, Multi-tool: To make repairs as needed, cut trees for firewood Maps: Waterproof versions in case you can’t use your cell phone Important Documents: IDs, insurance policies Cash: Everyone can accept it Feminine Hygiene Products, if appropriate Change of clothes and blankets for each person in your household Fire Extinguisher and Matches Your 2-Week Kit
Assembling your 2-week emergency kit will take a little more space and planning than your 3-day supply. Try to imagine everything you use and consume in 2 weeks, and now imagine being without electricity and running water. You will want to have:
Water purification tablets or a water filtration system Enough food to feed your entire family for 2 weeks and that requires minimal preparation Disposable dinnerware and silverware A stove powered by gas or solar Soap, cleaning supplies, paper towels, and toilet paper Garbage bags Bug spray, if appropriate Tent and sleeping bags that accommodate the entire family Portable outhouse Firearm, both for protection and hunting
Before disaster strikes, be sure to stock up on fuel for generators, vehicles, and stoves. Many weather-related emergencies are forecasted and there are several days, if not a week or more, to prepare. Know the area where you live and work, and familiarize yourself with seasons that bring dangerous conditions.
Also, pay attention to politics and major news stories that could develop into situations that affect your daily life.
Purchasing and preparing all at once can be overwhelming financially and emotionally. Start small and check items off your list, as you are able to procure them.
Is there anything else you want to add to your emergency survival kit? Let us know what it is in the comment section!
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