We consume and use water in our daily lives but rarely do we stop to think – is this water at its best quality?
Well, we do know it is clean water, but did you know that you most probably are using hard water? Dealing with stains, having drier hair, or seeing mineral build-up around sinks are some of the ways hard water might affect you.
In this article, we break down what is hard water, the safety concerns associated with it, how you can test for it, and most importantly what can you do about it!
We have all the answers here so let’s dive in:
Hard Water 101
Hard water as a term doesn’t associate itself with fresh and clean water; many might assume it to be water prior to going through sanitation systems. On the contrary, hard water is a term for clean water with a high amount of mineral content, such as calcium and magnesium.
85% of American homes have hard water but in most cases, homeowners don’t even know that they are dealing with it.
Is Hard water safe to drink?
The first thought that pops into mind when finding out about hard water is usually “is it safe to drink?”. The short answer is yes, it is safe to consume, but as usual, it’s not that simple.
In cases where the water goes through various sources, such as in wells, pipes, and lakes, it can gather persistent minerals and sediments along the way. Hard water, with high levels of dissolved calcium, chlorine, and magnesium, among other substances, can lead to a large number of issues to our bodies and affect appliances that are in contact with water. Here are just some of the ways using hard water might affect your home:
- Mineral build-up on showerheads and sinks
- Frequently clogged pipes
- Residues on all water surfaces
- Dishes and silverware have spots on them
- Unpleasant taste and odor
Though hard water is safe for consumption, we still highly recommend adding water treatments to your water supply to soften the water and ensure even safer drinking water.
The Effects of Drinking Hard Water
We’ve already said some ways in which hard water may be affecting your home but let’s see how it might affect your body. Research shows that hard water consumption has both positive and adverse health effects. Some research has concluded that high levels of calcium and magnesium present in hard water can reduce the impact of cardiovascular disease and even certain cancers. Other research also concludes high magnesium levels could work as an anti-stress for coronary heart disease.
On the opposite side of research, evidence suggests possible negative effects of hard water on male reproductive health. This was mainly due to excess calcium, causing failure of the reproductive system. That being said, future research could help us further understand the possible effects of drinking hard water.
Though consuming hard water might not lead to severe or adverse negative health issues, it does cause a lot of problems with dryness of hair and skin. With combinative drawbacks of hard water around the home and on our skin and hair, we still highly recommend water treatments to help eliminate excess substances.
How to Test for Hard Water?
You might want to check if your home is supplied with hard water, and finding that out might be simpler than you thought. A large majority of countries in the world are supplied with hard water; this can also be identified by using hard water databases to find out your exact location. You can even employ professionals who check precisely if you have hard water and how hard it is, depending on the levels of chemicals present.
You can also look for these telltale signs of hard water around the home:
- Clothes look dull and feel rough after wash
- Scale and staining around sinks and water sources
- Decrease in water pressure due to clogged pipes
- The residue is left on all dishware after washing
If you find your home to have soft water, then let us provide you with a solution for that. The Vortex Water Revitalizer is an evolutionary water treatment that will help you soften the water naturally and bring more benefits to your home.
Hard Water Treatments by Alive Water
The Vortex Water Revitalizer takes water’s natural needs in mind and treats it accordingly. It puts water through a powerful vortexing motion that restores water’s micro-clustered molecular structure. This type of water is often referred to as structured water or vortex water.
Structured water is the most optimal state of water, with a uniquely shaped hexagonal micro-clustered molecular form. Water in mountain springs and streams bears this characteristic as water goes through a distinct flow and movement, which is essential for securing water’s natural benefits.
These benefits are lost once water is taken from its natural habitat, put through rigorous treatment systems, and pumped through pipes to be supplied to us. The Vortex Water Revitalizer allows us to bring back all these benefits by implementing a double spiral to create a vortexing motion, revitalizing the water.
The benefits of structured water are immeasurable and endless. Not only does it eliminate all of the drawbacks of hard water by balancing the chemical levels improves taste and odor, but it also brings life-changing health benefits to your body too.
- All viruses, bacteria, and pathogens are entirely eradicated with water’s self-cleaning capabilities. Water is more robust against all contaminants.
- pH levels are balanced, with water at optimal pH levels of 6.8-7.2.
- Increased hydration levels for your cells, skin, and hair
- Improves metabolic rate and overall bodily functions
- Higher levels of dissolved oxygen for improvement on the environment
Not only that, but The Vortex Water Revitalizer is a purchase for a lifetime, without requiring continuous maintenance or replacement. And on top of that, every single purchase comes with a 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee and a 10-Year Limited Warranty!
Read more on the effects of structured water and find the perfect water treatment for your home at Vortex Water Revitalizer!
The post What is hard water? appeared first on The Environmental Blog.