Holidays 2021

Hello, friends.  I hope you had a lovely Christmas, if you celebrate it.  J has been working on our solar project, first creating our battery room.  He also dug and put concrete in the footers for the frame for the array.  Last week, I harvested lettuce, broccoli, and parsley.  I found usnea on a walk two days, and started a jar of glycerite with it.  For my lunches, I made soup, which used homemade broth, our onions, oregano and parsley, and pantry items.  I received some duplicates for presents.  One was able to be returned, but it had been too long for the other, so I listed it on ebay.  I finished the cross stitch, and framed it on the 23rd.  Unfortunately, our mail carrier didn't work on the 24th, so it will be a late gift for her.  Our home and auto insurance provider was able to recommend someone to assist with health insurance.  I was able to switch to "real" insurance, vs the health share I had been using, for almost $50 less per month.  A batch of suet was made for the birds, using dehydrated bits leftover from canning tomatoes and berries..

Veggie bits were added to the broth bag, and the rest were composted.  Paper and cardboard were shredded.  I'd been saving the kraft packing paper that came in orders, and ironed some to wrap a large package of J's.  After an appointment, I went by Harris Teeter.  It was a bit of a madhouse, but I hung with it, and got J's bread B1G1 free, organic canned beans for .85 can, and received a 5% senior discount on the total.  Two new GF cookie recipes were made on Christmas Eve, and a plant based eggnog.  All were healthy, fitting with our current diet, and good.  Daisy shared these Pecan Sandies with me, and I made cinnamon cookies.  A bit of sweetness to celebrate the holiday.  The amaryllis I had intended to gift, then forgot about, are making buds.  We enjoyed watching some holiday movies, including It's a Wonderful Life, which I got from the library.  I also enjoyed the Call the Midwife's holiday special.  Now that we're in wood heating season, our electric bill dropped around $50, which was most welcome.  J took his car in for an ABS light, and ended up getting two recalls the previous owner hadn't taken care of done while there, having to do with his seat belts and door latches.

I caught up on laundry, and hung three loads on the line.  Our broccoli was used in noodles with Thai peanut sauce.  I made a batch of toothpaste, trying a little different recipe this time, which used peppermint, vanilla, frankincense and nutmeg essential oils.  Another 15 cups of broccoli were blanched and frozen.   For Christmas, J requested our potatoes with mushroom gravy, my Grandmother's stuffing (veggie version), Wild Blueberry cranberry sauce, and I made a salad to go along.  My latest favorite salad uses our lettuce, pomegranate arils, dried sour cherries, roasted pecans for me and pumpkin seeds for him.  We had a quiet day, which was fine.  I enjoyed reading one of the sweet books I was gifted.  For the first time ever, we decided to stop taking orders for our metal home goods after early December, mostly because we had already begun having problems with shipments being lost and damaged, but also to give us time to enjoy the holidays.  I'm planning to use the coming week to catch up on some things, before the orders start rolling in again.

Last summer, I really enjoyed making egg scrambles with lots of veggies, mostly from our garden.  Not being able to use eggs put the "eeks" on that, but MM recently posted a recipe for a similar plant based version.  Though you wouldn't mistake it for eggs, it satisfied that desire.  I rehydrated maitake mushroom for it, and added asparagus, grape tomatoes, black olives, and yellow pepper.  It's pretty good, and as the base is potato flakes, quite filling.  On Sunday, we took our GD out for breakfast.  Afterwards, we went to a local park, where she opened her gifts.  It was an amazingly warm and beautiful December day, in the 70's.  The bench we were at had a little free library near it.  J found a book, but I didn't find any I really wanted to read.  I wish I'd known we would see the library, as I have a pile of books I've been intending on donating.  After we dropped her off, we stopped at Food Lion, and got a couple bunches of asparagus for $1.59/#, with a few other things.  Here's looking to a happier and healthier 2022.  Be well, friends.  

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