As you begin into this Spring Cleaning Cycle, take the following steps:
#1: Write down on paper or your phone or computer, what you perceive are your six biggest challenges to the upcoming Detox.
#2: Plan how you are going to deal with these challenges for each of the items you’ve listed. It helps!
#3: Take a hot bath with Epsom or Magnesium salts and essential oils in the bathwater (your skin will soak in the magnesium) 3-4 times this week and next week.
#4: Eat more vegetables as we lead up to the Detox and during the first “one-meal a day” week of the Detox. These include: clover sprouts, asparagus, spinach, swiss chard, lima beans, acorn squash, artichokes, kale, green peas, okra, etc.
#5: Work up to an hour walk in Nature each day. Commit to a daily walk either in silence or listening to your favorite music. We aren't talking strenuous hiking or marathons here. Maybe you have to start with a 20-minute walk: 10 minutes out, 10 minutes back is enough to clear your mind of stress, get the blood moving and get some stress hormones to lower. I am at that stage now due to a leg injury. I’m just getting back up and walking again. Exercise and breathing, especially while walking, moves your body’s sewage system (your lymphatic system). Deep breathing is one of our best detoxification a natural detox for the body, but it doesn’t have to be strenuous workouts and torturing yourself! Work your way up to an hour walk each day.
Supplements for our Upcoming Detox/Cleanse
I am recommending three supplements for this cleanse:
1. Kohlbitr Activated Charcoal (1-2 capsules a day, increase throughout the cleanse)
2. RUG or Remove Unwanted Guests (3-5 capsules a day with your biggest meal or soup, increase to 6-10 capsules a day at the height of the cleanse)
3. Carbon 60 (1 dropper full per day, increase to 2 droppers full at the height of the cleanse)
You can certainly do more variety of supplements if you choose. More herbs are always recommended to help alleviate hunger. I will also be taking 500-1000mg of niacin each day.
Cymbiotika products are recommended, I will be taking those as well. And, of course, a drop of
Coated Silver with water a day:
The thought of Detoxifying can feel so overwhelming that you don't even know where to begin but with a few simple additions and changes to your routine you can begin a series of healthy habits to prepare your body. As the days go by and these things become your new "normal" you can follow our Detox and learn more small steps you can add to improve your life, lower your stress and skyrocket your energy and self-esteem!! I have worked this out over 26 years. You can do this. Easy! Step-by-step!
Sometimes you want to make a change, but you just aren't ready to for a BIG change or what seems like it will be a big, scary DETOX program. Change is hard, but I will help you break it down so you can see results right away with just a few tiny changes to get you started down the path to better health and less stress! Here are some baby steps to get you started so you won't feel overwhelmed:
Water = Energy
The easiest change you can take now to begin detoxifying your body is to increase your water intake and decrease your intake of soda, diet soda, homogenized milk and other beverages that would be considered highly processed. Aim for 8 cups of water a day, but remember if you started at just a few cups of water a day (and decrease the rest soda, diet soda, tea, coffee, processed fruit juice, milk, etc.) then ANY consistent increase in drinking more water is an improvement. You may need to work your way up to 8 cups of water a day over the next week or so until our official cleanse begins on March 13th. Even you are not joining the cleanse, try this strategy to drink more water and less of everything else anyway. That’s it. You can begin to detox your body by focusing on just this ONE CHANGE. In fact, right now, drink a cup of water as you are reading this. Easy. Done. Now repeat every few hours.
Sea Salt or Pink Salt = More Energy
Once you've spent 3-4 days consistently meeting your 8 cups of water a day goal, then you can add another baby step. For some of us, this will occur in the middle of the cleanse. This one is easy. To get more electrolytes, start stirring in a pinch or two of Sea Salt or Pink Himalayan Salt to each cup of your water. Sea Salt and Pink Salt also have electrolyte minerals that our body needs for energy and many people eating low nutrient foods and beverages are dangerously low in these electrolytes. Whenever you have a chance to, even with your regular food intake, use Sea Salt or Pink Himalayan Salt instead of kiln-dried, electrolyte deficient, table salt. Do the “salt switch.” That's it, easy! Taking care of your electrolytes will help your energy! If you can taste the salt in the water then you can add a little lemon or lime to your water to improve the taste.
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