Earth Day just came and went, and hopefully you took a pause and thought about your environmental footprint. Going plastic-free, eating less seafood and buying environmentally-friendly gifts are all great steps you can take to live a more eco-conscious life. It’s all about eliminating waste and recycling as much as possible, and there are new products coming out all the time aimed at making every corner of your life more sustainable. A brand new one for me? Reusable garbage bags. I know it sounds potentially ridiculous and very gross, but hear me out.
Using fewer single-use plastics is one of the best ways to reduce your carbon footprint as an individual. We produce upwards of 300 million tons of plastic each year as a human race, a staggering number, and about half of that is single-use plastics. They’re made primarily out of fossil fuel-based chemicals and designed to be thrown away almost as soon as you get them. Not very sustainable, and garbage bags are a great example of one. They’re unpacked, used until full and then thrown away, without a ton of regard for the added waste they themselves are contributing to landfills. However, there is a more sustainable and reusable option out there.
TOMbag Reusable Garbage Bag
TOMbag Reusable Garbage Bag
Reusable garbage bags are made out of durable, strong, usually recycled material and are designed to be washed after each use. They made excellent liners for smaller garbage or recycling cans throughout your house, or can be used in the kitchen for your messiest garbage with a solid cleansing routine. They’re waterproof, and some even have handles for making carrying and emptying easy.
One could also argue that using a reusable trash bag will make you more conscious of what you put in it. A compost bin might help you divert messy food waste from going in the bag and needing to be cleaned out afterwards. Recycling properly will also cut down on what you place in the reusable garbage bag, and thinking of other innovative ways you can reuse items like plastic containers. Switching to longer-lasting, reusable versions of items like floss, straws, silverware and napkins will also lighten your load.
In my opinion, it’s possible if you’ve got the time and patience for doing a little extra clean-up. This might be you — or you might find other, preferable methods for being gentler on the earth. Whatever you can do, it’s a step in the right direction.
K.A.N 13 Gallon Reusable Garbage Bag
Buy: K.A.N Reusable Garbage Bag $22.50
Celebrate Earth Day By Going 100% Plastic Free in the Bathroom
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