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Are you wondering what you need in your working pantry? You may have heard the term long-term pantry, which is basically where you store larger quantities of food storage

For me, I have smaller containers that I use every week. Well, a 5-gallon bucket of flour or sugar is too much for me to handle these days. So I refill my smaller 2-gallon buckets from the 5-gallon buckets. These smaller containers are not as heavy to haul over to the kitchen countertop as I do my baking. What is a Working Pantry? A working pantry is a modest-sized pantry, it isn’t too big or too small. Most of us have the space for a working pantry of some sort. In this day and age, anywhere you can store pantry items can be considered your working pantry. A lot of people use open shelving for their pantry. You can also...

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These are the best organization tips for the kitchen I’ve collected over the years to reorganize a kitchen efficiently

Streamline it with kitchen zones, counter organization, and moving unneeded items out so you can have an efficient kitchen.  Today we’re going to take a critical look at your kitchen and reorganize for efficiency. Trust me, you will feel so much better. Reorganize Kitchen Efficiently When we moved over a decade ago, I took the most time planning and unpacking the kitchen. I didn’t want to put something just “away” without purpose because I knew that even if it ended up being poorly thought out, I probably wouldn’t move it for years. I made lists of categories that I knew would be coming out of the boxes before the boxes even came. I made post-its and stuck them on cupboards...

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Today it’s all about 25 important items you should have in your home

Now, we all know we need certain items to survive. In case you are new to prepping, you may not have heard these statements before, you can live for: 3 minutes without air (I don’t recommend trying this) 3 hours without shelter (Extreme heat or cold weather) 3 days without water (you need water or you’ll perish) 3 weeks without food (I promise this would not be fun) 25 Important Items 1. Spices Let’s be real here, everything tastes better with our favorites spices, right? I was talking to my daughter last night and I mentioned, “I sure wish In knew what Mexicans put in their refried beans.” Yes, I make them all the time, but there is something missing...

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