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People In This Online Group Share 30 Stories About The Wildest Things Garbage Workers Have Found Thrown Away

The saying goes, "one man’s trash is another man’s treasure." Another person could easily find a purpose for a thing you consider has no value or is useless. But such things are often just thrown out, maybe because it’s too much work to find a person to sell it or to give it to, or maybe the person throwing out something really thinks that no one could possibly use it. Reddit user wayne88imps had a feeling that garbage men and women should see all the good and maybe weird things people throw out, so they asked “Garbage men/women of the world. What's the best/worst thing you have found 'thrown away?'" This post got more than 65k likes and over 8k...

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“What Is Your ‘I Don’t Get Paid Enough For This’ Moment?” 30 People Reply

Pretty much anyone who’s ever worked an honest job in their lives has had a “they don’t pay me enough for this [insert unPanda-like words of your choosing]!” moment. Or even several. It’s that dramatic moment when you feel the final straw metaphorically breaking your back and you decide to make your exit, stage left. Preferably while singing, “Fudge this manure, I’m out!” Well then, you’re likely to relate to a lot of these stories. Redditors have been posting their “they don’t pay me enough for this” stories that made them give up and leave or raise their voices after user Indian_boy786 started up a viral thread. Grab some popcorn, have a scroll down, and upvote the stories that stunned...

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