We've been having lots of fun! Choclo and Oob made a skit for us:We finished our first ever 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle. I'd never done a wooden puzzle and they are sooo much nicer than the paper ones I've done all my life!And we've been walking and hiking most days, so we've really gotten to see the spring come on. And we've seen lots of birds, deer and other creatures!So many nesting birds!Besides the wren's nest in the mailbox, we have sparrow's and starling's nesting in different eaves, and crows nesting either on the roof or the tree next to the roof . To put that in perspective, we live on less than a quarter acre!We also have cardinals, mockingbirds,...
View this post on Instagram A post shared by Heinz Ketchup (@heinz) on May 5, 2020 at 1:15pm PDT Gather 'round, ketchup-lovers, because Heinz Ketchup is releasing a 570-piece, all-red jigsaw puzzle that has me hungry just looking at it. Basically a headache waiting to happen, the monochromatic puzzle doesn't come with guidelines or a finished image for reference, so good luck solving this monstrosity puzzle without any hints. Unlike the dreaded all-clear puzzle, all-white puzzle, or color gradient puzzle, this all-red ketchup puzzle can't be ordered online. In honor of the brand's 57 sauce varieties, there are only 57 puzzles available via Heinz's online giveaway. All you have to do to win one for yourself is comment on the...
The ‘honey do’ list may be growing shorter the longer we ‘shelter in place’ as we wait for the COVID-19 crisis to pass. From the look of recent news reports, we could be staying at home for a while. At my house, my husband has detailed his car. I’ve cooked enough meals to last for a week. Every bit of laundry is washed, folded, and put away. Let’s face it. There are only so many tasks we can busy ourselves with while we wait out the ‘stay at home’ order. Here’s the reality. Much of the activity around the house is activity without lasting results. The car will need to be washed soon enough. Meals need to be prepared once...
Critical Linking, a daily roundup of the most interesting bookish links from around the web is sponsored by Themes and Variations by David Sedaris. “Need a fun mental break? We’ve created six digital jigsaw puzzles through Jigsaw Explorer that feature a few favorite images from our collection. Play them right here on our blog or use the links to expand an individual puzzle. Each puzzle is set to contain about 100 pieces, but they are customizable for any skill set. Hit the question mark icon on a puzzle for more information. We’ve tested these with staff (and kid volunteers!) and hope you enjoy them as much as we did! All of these images are freely available through our Image Gallery,...
Mothers’ Day when your mother has passed on… there are no flowers to send, no cards to mail, no phone calls. But that does not mean nothing to do (not like not writing too many double negatives!). The first Mothers Day after mom passed on, in my post I lifted the lyrics from the song Motherless Children, (I knew mostly from the 461 Ocean Boulevard album by Eric Clapton, but he lifted it from Blind Willie Johnson, lift it on…). Now 8 mom-less Mother’s Days on, I reflect obviously that having known a mother, you are never motherless. Maybe it’s more Not Fade Away (again I knew from the Rolling Stones, but they lifted it from Buddy Holly). So again,...